10 Mart 2012 Cumartesi

Assignment No.1


        I was given an assignment about finding and posting a research question (RQ) on edmodo. The research title was "Teaching with Games" and I wrote a question about it that says "What types of educational games benefit the learning of a foreign language to students who are under the age of 12 ?" . After posting my RQ on edmodo, I was asked to write the reason why I chose that RQ.

        I am studying TEFL, English teaching department, and I found teaching with games quite interesting and useful. Though it is not very effective in the university grade, the effect of its is massive when used in primary and secondary education level. As I am being trained to become a teacher not an instructor, I thought that it is a good way of teaching lessons with using educational games.

        This RQ issue is a good way of developing my teaching skills as well. Moreover, the more I practice on different points of teaching the better I become at using them. Adding to that, analyzing those different points also provides us useful techniques that make our teaching better. But we should focus only on our subjects when we are researching them.

        The common failure of teachers when they are becoming an expert on one subject of teaching is not focusing on the subject entirely. The reason for that is the students may get confused by the unnecessary information of the subject. The one who wants to be effective while teaching should narrow down the subject for the students.

        To sum up, the assignment that was given to me consists of giving the reasons why I chose my RQ. To my opinion, teaching with educational games to the foreign students under the age of 12 is a useful approach for developing their learning abilities. Moreover, analyzing the structures of the varying teaching techniques will also improve the teaching skills as well. However, teachers should avoid the unnecessary information of the subjects they choose to teach.

5 yorum:

  1. Are you familiar with Marc Prensky? See http://www.marcprensky.com/ -- he has devoted his life to the use of games in education, albeit not specifically for teaching languages.

  2. Learning and teaching with educational games is an interesting topic .I think it can be very useful both teacher and students.For teachers,it expand the teaching ways,and also for students learning probably will be entertaining.So you are in a very good point about teaching.

  3. I think it's an interesting research question because visual methods are used to teach students under the age of 14. I hope you can find some specific information about which types of those games are useful because "I wanna play a game :jigsaw" :D

  4. Hi Bertan, I found this a really interesting topic. I have to say that I've never heard about teaching English with games and I'm curious about what time of games are you talking about?Are talking about games with technology?

  5. I like your topic and I thınk you are right about the ideas which you support. I think the games help students to remember the lessons or other things which they learn. There are a lot of games about this technique but can you give us some specific ones which you prefer most?
