14 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi

Is The Nucleer Power Beneficial or Not?


The Nucleer Power is the most debatable subject today. Lots of people give so many ideas about its benefits and danger. According to the some scientists, nucleer power is an enormous power source and provides a great deal of energy to countries. On the other hand, it possesses a great danger and causes a massive harm to its environment just like in the Chernobyle disaster. In the video above, some of the ideas about this issue is revealed.

3 yorum:

  1. It is a good idea to choose like this subject in order to figure out if the nucleer power is really on behalf of humanity or not. However the video attached does not completely reveal the cons and pros of the nucleer power. As far as I'm concerned it is great power source to some extent. In other words, as long as it is used not for war but for providing energy, it will certainly be unique power source for all countries.

  2. I agree with you Meryem in principle. We can't have our cake and eat it too. If we want to watch TV, wash our clothes, read at night, use computers and the Internet, etc., we need electricity. There are two issues...one is consumption of energy, the other is producing energy. To look to nuclear energy as a source of power ignores our responsibility as consumers to conserve power and use it wisely.

    However, to be perfectly honest, I would be in the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) group...it is fine to say we need nuclear power, but I would not want to have a nuclear power plant in North Cyprus, for example. Would you like it if they built a nuclear power plant (of Russian design???) near your hometown?

  3. Ofcourse Nucleer Power has its advantages and disadvantages. The negative examples are clear, nuclear power plant that caused a major accident in USSR's Russia in 1986. And then the next biggest nuclear accident was Fukushima Daiichi, which was in 2011. On the other hand, we all do need and consume energy, so we can't say that we don't need nuclear power or just approach the issue through a negative perspective, because that would be a hypocritical approach.
